ASSESSOR DE CLIENTES – APARECIDA DE GOIÂNIA Jobs at Grupo Avenida in Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás

Published 10 months ago

This vacancy post is more than 20 days old, may be no longer valid, please click the "Apply Now" button at the bottom for more information.

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Grupo Avenida company opens jobs for ASSESSOR DE CLIENTES - APARECIDA DE GOIÂNIA positions in the Goiás region. The type of work we provide is Full-time.

The criteria for the employees we need are having Consulting, Information Technology, & Sales skills with Mid-Senior level experience, as well as employees who are honest, disciplined and responsible.

The estimated salary offered by this company is quite competitive around R$ 1.100 - R$ 2.700 (per month). However, the salary can go up or down depending on the company that decides it.

The Headhunters company itself is engaged in Retail, of course if you are interested in applying for this company, you can register immediately.

Job Information

Company:Grupo Avenida
Region:Aparecida de Goiânia - Goiás, Goiás
Job Function:Consulting, Information Technology, Sales
Seniority Level:Mid-Senior level
Salary:BRL 1.120 - BRL 2.700 per Month
Employment Type:Full-time

Job Description

Realizar a comercialização dos produtos da empresa e atendimento aos clientes, efetuando a venda assistida, acompanhando e observando os clientes no processo de escolha das mercadorias, oferecendo ajuda caso note alguma dificuldade, prestando suporte e esclarecimentos sobre os produtos, bem como atuar no caixa, e realizar a venda de produtos financeiros, como cartão de crédito, seguro, etc., prestando esclarecimentos aos clientes, oferecendo o cartão e cadastro, e facilidade do crédito para as compras, visando a efetivação das vendas e ampliação dos negócios.
Formação Acadêmica:
Não informado
A combinar
Assessor de Comunicação
Grupo Avenida
Empresa atua como comércio varejista de artigos do vestuário e acessórios.
Comércio Varejista


  • Comfortable environment
  • Taught when starting work
  • Salary bonus if there is overtime

Job Application Information

The information we provide above may be updated suddenly, please keep looking for complete information via the "Apply Now" button or on the official website of the company Grupo Avenida, so as not to find unwanted events ^_^.

Tips from Admin: applying for a job is free of charge.

Hopefully you get the job you want.


  • Click the "Apply Now" button above.
  • After that you will be directed to the Submission of Application page, there are tips for submitting applications and interviews.
  • On the application submission page, click the "Application Form" button.
  • On that page you can see more complete company information and see the number of people applying for the job.
  • Next is to click "Apply".
  • Please register on the website if you don't have an account, but if you do, you can immediately fill out the application form.
  • Finished.

Company Information

Grupo Avenida

Industry: Retail

Grupo Avenida is a Spanish business group specialized in construction, tourism, industry, commerce and services. The company was founded in 1986 with headquarters in Madrid. It has a wide network of operations in Spain and around the world. Its main activities involve real estate development, hotel management, retail business, infrastructure and energy projects, industrial manufacturing and services.

Grupo Avenida has significant expertise in the construction, industrial and hospitality sectors. The company is renowned for being one of the top international real estate developers in the world. It has a strong presence in more than 20 countries, with operations in Brazil, Mexico, Italy and the United Kingdom. Its portfolio includes prestigious projects, such as the Trump Tower in California and the Emirates Tower in Dubai.

Grupo Avenida puts a great emphasis on safety, quality and innovation. It deploys the latest technology in all its projects and works with reliable partners to ensure the highest standards of quality. The company strives to create an attractive workplace for its employees and offers competitive salaries and benefits.

Check other vacancies from the company: Grupo Avenida