Analista de CRM Pleno- Híbrido Jobs at IGT Group in Rio de Janeiro

Published 11 months ago

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IGT Group company opens jobs for Analista de CRM Pleno- Híbrido positions in the Rio de Janeiro region. The type of work we provide is Full-time.

The criteria for the employees we need are having Business Development and Sales skills with Mid-Senior level experience, as well as employees who are honest, disciplined and responsible.

The estimated salary offered by this company is quite competitive around R$ 1.200 - R$ 2.500 (per month). However, the salary can go up or down depending on the company that decides it.

The Headhunters company itself is engaged in Human Resources Services, of course if you are interested in applying for this company, you can register immediately.

Job Information

Company:IGT Group
Position:Analista de CRM Pleno- Híbrido
Region:Rio de Janeiro
Job Function:Business Development and Sales
Seniority Level:Mid-Senior level
Salary:BRL 1.212 - BRL 2.500 per Month
Employment Type:Full-time
Industry:Human Resources Services

Job Description

Analista de CRM Pleno
CLT terceirizado
Salário: R$ 6.00,00 + benefícios (VR R$ 25,00/dia + VT + Plano de Saúde e odontológico (desconto de 20%)
Requisitos obrigatórios: Graduação completa em Marketing, Administração, Publicidade ou Propaganda. Perfil data driven e analítico.
Responsabilidades e Experiência EmREQUISITOS

  • Acompanhar e mensurar comportamentos e perfis dos clientes internos, além de estudar a concorrência, o mercado e novas formas de aperfeiçoar o relacionamento como os clientes internos;
  • Interpretar dados e informações por meio de métricas e índices de performance;
  • Ter visões que ampliam o desempenho de campanhas de marketing e réguas de comunicação;
  • Acompanhar dados de campanhas, satisfação de clientes e resultados de testes realizados para melhorar a qualidade da entrega ao VIP;
  • Criar as réguas de comunicação para realização de disparos de comunicações com segmentação, criar previsões, elaborar planos e de monitorar dados e ainda gestão de todo o fluxo das operações de marketing.
  • Local de trabalho: Rio de Janeiro, RJ
  • Regime de contratação de tipo: Efetivo – CLT
  • Jornada: Período Integral
  • Área e especialização profissional: Administração – Administração Geral
  • Nível hierárquico: Analista

Escolaridade Mínima: Ensino Superior
Tempo de experiência: Entre 3 e 5 anos


  • Comfortable environment
  • Taught when starting work
  • Salary bonus if there is overtime

Job Application Information

The information we provide above may be updated suddenly, please keep looking for complete information via the "Apply Now" button or on the official website of the company IGT Group, so as not to find unwanted events ^_^.

Tips from Admin: applying for a job is free of charge.

Hopefully you get the job you want.


  • Click the "Apply Now" button above.
  • After that you will be directed to the Submission of Application page, there are tips for submitting applications and interviews.
  • On the application submission page, click the "Application Form" button.
  • On that page you can see more complete company information and see the number of people applying for the job.
  • Next is to click "Apply".
  • Please register on the website if you don't have an account, but if you do, you can immediately fill out the application form.
  • Finished.

Company Information

IGT Group

The IGT Group is a leading global provider of gaming technology and systems representing an unrivaled command of gaming expertise, technology, and customer service. The company provides solutions for the entire value chain of gaming operators around the world, including services and products such as gaming machines, lottery systems, central systems, interactive games, social gaming, e-gaming and player loyalty platforms. IGT Group is also renowned for its industry-leading operations, customer-focused services, effective regulatory relations, and employee support.

Check other vacancies from the company: IGT Group